Make a Peppa Pig Cake

A Peppa Pig Cake! Too easy!

A Peppa Pig Cake! Too easy!

Do you have a little one who is a fan of Peppa Pig? Here is my D.I.Y tutorial to help you make a Peppa Pig Cake!

Firstly I am NOT a cake decorator! This was my first attempt at a character cake…and you can do it too! This Peppa Pig Cake was really easy to do…I hope all novice cake makers will have a go! You can use these instructions for making Peppa Pig, George Pig or any other character! It took me approximately an hour and a half to put the cake together (plus baking time) and less than $10 to make!

You will need:
1 cake (I always use a large rectangle size, but whatever you have really! I make a double batch of a chocolate cake. Feel free to use a packet mix or buy a slab cake!)
2 x 500g packets of ready made icing/fondant. (One packet should be enough, but it is always good to have a spare on hand!)
1 x black icing pen
1 x packet food colouring (or several bottles of food colouring)
1-2 tablespoons of jam(any flavour, I used strawberry!)

This is what I used

This is what I used

Cutting the Cake into a Peppa Pig Shape
Make your cake the day before and freeze it for at least a few hours, this seems to make it less crumbly when cutting!

I used a Peppa Pig colouring page as a template. This is the one I used:

You can print it straight off and cut around it ready to use. If you can, copy it larger to fit your cake. I traced mine onto some baking paper to make it larger. I cut around Peppa’s head and body. (I cut off her ears, arms, tail and legs)

3. Place your template on your cake and hold it in place with toothpicks.

Place your cut out template on the cake and secure with toothpicks

Place your cut out template on the cake and secure with toothpicks

4. Using a sharp knife, carefully cut around the template. You should now have Peppa’s head and dress cut out, as one piece. Now carefully, cut Peppa’s head off! You can take the paper off if you like or cut through it.

Cut around the template

Cut around the template

Decorating the cake!

1.You need to get your first lot of icing ready. Open one packet and knead the icing as much as you can until it is nice and soft. Wrap half the mixture in plastic and use later. (Wrap tightly to keep it from drying out) With your remaining half, add a few drops of red food colouring and knead it until all the colour is mixed through to make a pale pink colour.

2. For Peppa’s face:
Brush some jam all over Peppa’s face including along the sides you cut. (The jam will stop the icing from slipping)

Brush the top and sides of the cake with jam

Brush the top and sides of the cake with jam

2. Take most of the mixture (place a small amount aside and wrap it tightly to use later for arms etc) Use a rolling pin to roll out a flat round shape. (Put icing sugar on your board or bench to stop it sticking) You want it to be about 1/4 cm thick. Then carefully pick up the icing and place it over the cake for Peppa’s face.

Carefully wrap the rolled out icing onto the cake!

Carefully wrap the rolled out icing onto the cake!

3. Using a clean sharp knife, cut carefully around the edges, making sure all the icing completely covers the cake. (You can reuse the left over icing, so wrap it up!) Use your fingers to smooth the edges around the bottom edges of the cake.

4. For Peppa’s Dress:
Use the other remaining icing and add as much red food colouring to make a red icing. I made mine a dark pink. Follow the steps above to brush with jam, roll out the icing and cover the cake. Keep a small amount of this red icing to make Peppa’s mouth. A little water will ‘glue’ her head to the dress.

Peppa's Dress. Wrap the icing around the cake and trim with a sharp knife

Peppa’s Dress. Wrap the icing around the cake and trim with a sharp knife

5. For Peppa’s ears:
Cut a small amount of ear shaped cake (x2!) and brush with jam and wrap with icing. A little water will ‘glue’ the ears to her head.

6. For Peppa’s arms and legs and boots:
Roll out a length of pink icing. Roll out 2 legs and 2 arms. Use a knife to cut 3 points to be the fingers and then round them. Make some yellow icing (you may need a new packet?) and shape into 2 boots. Attach the legs. (Water will ‘glue’ the boots to the legs and the legs to Peppa’s dress) You can also make black shoes, if you prefer!

Roll out and shape the arms, legs, tail and boots!

Roll out and shape the arms, legs, tail and boots!

7. To outline Peppa’s face:
You will need more pink icing, but this time a darker pink. Roll it out into thin lengths. They don’t have to be long as you can join them together on Peppa’s face. With each length, outline her face and nose. Use a picture to help guide you! Also make Peppa’s cheek with this darker pink icing.

Roll out thin lengths for the outline

Roll out thin lengths for the outline

8. For Peppa’s Eyes:
Roll out 2 white balls and flatten them. Then use some darker pink lengths and outline the white eyes. Then using the icing pen make a blob of black for her eyes! (You could also roll out black icing)

wrap the outline around the eyes

wrap the outline around the eyes

Put Peppa together on a cake board! Your little ones will love you and you will be very impressed too!

My Peppa Pig Cake!

My Peppa Pig Cake!

You can use any Peppa Template! Find a printable or rip one out of a colouring book! Check out Rebecca’s Fairy Princess Peppa Pig cake! (She even made her cake to be gluten, dairy, nut and sugar free….using Naked Chocolate Cake from

Rebecca's Princess Peppa Cake!

Rebecca’s Princess Peppa Cake!

Good luck! Please let me know how you went!

PS here are some tips for using ready made icing:
I add my food colouring to the icing in a plastic bag, I knead it in the bag to stop my hands being dyed! When most of the colour is mixed, I knead it out of the bag on a board.
Kids don’t really like this icing! I add a dash of strawberry essence which makes it a bit tastier! (Only on the pink and red coloured parts!)

95 thoughts on “Make a Peppa Pig Cake

  1. Tiffany

    This looks great! I’m wanting to make this for my daughters first birthday next week. Your step by step instructions are so clear and explained so well. If I can do it half as good as you, ill be happy!

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Wonderful Tiffany! I am so excited you are willing to give it a go! I promise you, it is easy! I am a novice, so if I can do it, you can too! Let me know how you go or post me a pic if you like! And….happy first birthday to your little girl!

    2. Susan

      Thank you so much for your step by step instructions! I have never attempted to make a cake like this before, and thanks to you, I’m elated with how it turned out! My daughter thinks I’m a hero, and it’s all due to your post! I’m not sure how to post a picture, but I will try. Many thanks!

      1. yibbayabba Post author

        Thank you so much for your kind comments! I am so pleased this worked out for you too! I have seen your pic, it looks amazing! Well done…and yes you are a hero now! Good work!

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Hi Collette,
      The cake tin size all depends on how big you want your Peppa Pig cake to be! If you want a small sized cake, use the template in my instructions and you can use a rectangle tin size 18cm x 28cm. (Approx) or a 20cm square tin. As the cake will be Peppa’s head and body, (her legs and arms aren’t cake!) you can cut out the template and fit it on the cake nicely. This size will use one standard cake batter or packet mix cake.
      Or…if you want a larger cake, make sure you enlarge the template and use a larger rectangle size tin. I used a 23cm x 32cm tin, that was two cake mixes and was plenty of room for the template. (Lots of cake left over, but made a larger cake)
      Is this helpful? Let me know if I can help you some more! Happy baking! I am sure it will be very easy for you! Good luck!

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Yay! I am so excited to hear that you are going to have a go….you can do it and it will look fabulous! If I can …anyone can! Please let me know how you go! Good luck!

  2. Tiffany

    With the help of my sister we did it!! We made a large one and used a ‘highlight’ cake recipe. Thank you so much for your instructions 🙂

    I’d love to upload a picture but don’t think I can?!

  3. Beck

    Thanks! This looks great 🙂 I’m working with a whole slew of dietary requirements so I’ll see how I can work this magic out! Nice work 🙂

  4. Justine Brown

    Thank you!!!! Our Peppa Pig cake was a huge hit! We followed your instructions to the word, and we were rather impressed with our result. We’d never used fondant icing before and it all worked out well.

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Awesome! I am so pleased! I have no idea if anyone even reads my blog so I am so flattered that you have given it a go! Well done! Fondant is great….I used to be very scared of it too, now I will never go back! Any chance you can send me a pic, I’d love to see it! (If you feel like sharing, send it via the messages on my Facebook page!)

  5. andie

    What a great cake! Thanks for posting, going to try and make this for my daughter’s 3rd birthday.
    How many approximately would your cake feed?

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Thank you! I am so glad you are giving this cake a go…your three year old will love it! (And you will enjoy a stress free cake making session!) if you follow my instructions, you will find the cake will be quite big and since little ones only eat a small piece, there should be lots to feed a party! My cake fed 14 guests with left overs. Hope that helps? If you have lots of guests, you could also make patty cakes? Please send me a pic to my Facebook page of your finished product! Good luck!

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Fabulous! What a great idea, I bet your twins will be so impressed! If you get a chance, please take a photo for me and send it via my Yibba Yabba Mama Facebook page! (If you’d rather not, that is okay too!) Happy Birthday to the little ones and congrats on surviving twins! Happy cake making!

      1. yibbayabba Post author

        Wow! your cakes look awesome!!! I am so pleased you were able to make these yourself…well done! Thank you very much for sharing your photos….you should be proud of the end result!

  6. Penny

    I have never made a character cake before and I made this for my daughters 2nd birthday today. Thank you so much for sharing this info as made everything so easy and stress free. My cake turned out looking exactly like yours. Thank you again!

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Hooray! I am so glad you were able to make a fabulous cake for your daughter! Well done! Thank you so much for letting me know of your success, that means a lot to me! If you like, you can send me a pic of your cake via my Facebook page so I can share your pic too? Well done and thank you for the kind comments! xx

  7. Emma

    my friend posted your link onto our baby group on facebook and my nearly 2yr old has requested a peppa cake! ive worked with fondant before but could never get it completley smooth on the cake. any suggestions? also got to make a monsters inc cake for my nearly 4yr old will send you pics if I survive and dont drown myself in cake mix! lolx

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Hi Emma!
      Yes, make her a Peppa Cake! As for the fondant, if you follow my instructions you should be fine! I like to do one part at a time or else you can end up with crumbs everywhere which can make the fondant all bumpy etc! Make sure you have icing sugar on the board you roll the fondant on, that way it will lift off easily and will not stretch too much as you place it on the cake, that should make it smooth too. Is this helpful?
      As for the monsters inc cake….awesome! That should be easy to do, get a monsters inc colouring in picture and do the same as for my Peppa Pig instructions!
      Also, are you on Facebook? Next week I will be posting some fun monster biscuits which would be fabulous for your son’s party too! (I have a Yibba Yabba Mama Facebook page with lots more recipes and other ideas for kids!…please share with your mums group! xx)
      Please send me pics of your cake….would love to see how you go! Good luck! Anything else I can help you with?

  8. Bianca

    Hey, made this today. Stupid idea as it’s super humid I did use butter cream icing underneath. Turned out ok. Would have been better if I hadn’t run out of icing sugar

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Wonderful! I am so pleased you gave it a go….. I am sure it looked wonderful! Can’t help that humidity….many of my cakes have been ruined by it too! I have never put butter cream under fondant…was it easier or harder to handle? I imagine it would have made the cake super tasty! Feel free to send me a pic via my Facebook page! Thank you for sharing your thought!

  9. Andrea Stockford

    Hi – this cake looks great – I’m going to attempt to make it for my daughters 1st birthday in a couple of weeks. Is the recipe for a single layer cake? Just trying to work it out for amounts of icing! Thanks

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Hi there,
      Yes, this recipe is for a single layer cake. I had a large cake make with a double recipe to fit a large tin. You could make a double layered cake if you like? Please send me a pic of your cake, (to my Yibba Yabba Mama Facebook page!) I would love to see what you make! Good luck, I am sure you will find this to be an easy cake to make!

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Yay! this is a super easy cake….I promise you will impress everyone! including yourself! just follow the steps and you will have an amazing cake! Please send me a pic or let me know how you go! Thank you!

  10. Donna Tully

    Very clear instructions …I’m going to give it a go for my daughter, Martha’s 2nd birthday on Thursday. So much better than shop bought ( fingers crossed!)
    Thanks again for taking the time to share your expertise.

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Wonderful! yes! this is much better than a store bought cake! I am sure you will find it very easy to make! Please let me know how it goes and if you like, please send me a photo to my Yibba Yabba Mama Facebook page! Good luck and happy birthday to Martha! (I love that name!)

  11. Manda

    Hi, thanks so much for this info…I’m going to attempt this for my sons bday next week!! He’s mad peppa pig and likes George, so ill attempt both! Wish me luck as I have never done a character cake before!

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Good luck, I assure you, you will be fine, this cake was my very first too…quite pleased with my efforts! Feel free to stop by and ask any questions! Please let me know how you go and perhaps send me a photo via my Yibba Yabba Mama Facebook page? You will be fine and your guests will be very impressed! Good luck!

  12. Diane

    Hi – I am going to try to make this cake for my daughter’s 2nd birthday party. I’m hoping it’s as straightforward as your instructions – as I am not exactly talented in the cake department! Going to do a trial run over the next two days and see how I get on. Yours looks fantastic.

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      It really is very straight forward, I promise you! Please have a go…you won’t be disappointed and your little one will be thrilled! Please let me know how you go…and send me a pic to my Yibba Yabba Mama Facebook page! You will see lots of other mamas who have used the same instructions to make their very own amazing cakes! Good luck! Feel free to ask questions or ask for help! Thank you for stopping by!

  13. Kat

    Thank you for the step by step instructions. Have only ever used butter cream but am going to attempt this for my little girls 2nd birthday tomorrow – wish me luck!

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Good luck….although I am quite sure you won’t need it! It will be a lovely cake, once you try fondant, you won’t use buttercream again for a character cake! Please send me a pic of your masterpiece, via my Yibba Yabba Mama Facebook page.

  14. Fran

    Thanks so much for your wonderful instructions. I made this cake for my daughter’s 3rd birthday today. It looked great, the kids were excited and the adults impressed! I used a 28x38cm tin and tripled a basic cake recipe. I’m looking forward to making another character cake soon.

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      I am so pleased to hear it turned out so well for you! Thank you for your kind feedback too. Any chance you could send me a picture of your masterpiece, to my Yibba Yabba Mama Facebook page? Happy future cake creating! Well done and congrats on the effort!

  15. Emily K.

    Yeah! Made my first even fondant covered cake and I am really pleased with it but its all down to your fab fab instructions that were easy to follow and did not have me scratching my head half the time!
    Thank you

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Hooray! I am so pleased for you! Thank you for your kind feedback! Any chance you could send me a photo of your masterpiece? You can send it to my Yibba Yabba Mama Facebook page, I am building quite an album of wonderful Peppa Pig Cakes!

  16. Fiona

    Hi I’m going to try and attempt this for my daughters 2nd birthday this Saturday am a bit nervous about the fondant but ill give it a go, you have explained it so easy for people to try thanks so much

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Please give it a go, my Peppa Pig cake was my first go too! It really was very easy….so much easier than I had ever expected and the result to so professional looking! (if I can say that about my own cake?) good luck, I am sure it will be wonderful! Could you please send me a picture via my Facebook page, Yibba Yabba Mama? Thanks,

  17. Fiona

    Sorry I forgot to ask you if I make the cake the night before the party is it okay to just leave the cake out or does it need to go in the fridge with the icing thanks again

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      I think you would be better off putting the cake in the fridge overnight. Put it in a container (cake tin or rectangular Tupperware/decor container) or if you don’t have one that fits, wrap some plastic cling wrap over it, but make sure the cling wrap doesn’t touch the icing! You can do that by placing some tooth picks around the cake, which will cover the cake without touching it. Does that make sense? You can take the cake out of the fridge anytime before your guests arrive….unless you live where I do…and it is 47 degrees outside!

  18. Faz

    I am terrified that I will stuff this up but I’m definitely going to give it a crack for my girl’s 2nd birthday in April! You make it sound so simple and I’d love to be able to make her cake myself 🙂 just wondering whether I should do a practice run first in case I ruin it on her birthday? I am not exactly the most gifted person when it comes to being creative!

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Firstly, I can honestly assure you, you won’t stuff this up! This cake was my first ever character cake! I used to buy them! If you really are that worried, you could always bake two cakes and put them both in the freezer and buy extra fondant icing; that way you have one spare if you need it! But…I really think you can do this! My instructions are step by step, I hope they are so easy for you to follow. Using fondant is surprisingly easy and the result is so professional looking! Other mums have told me the recipe is fool proof! If you check out my Facebook page (Yibba Yabba Mama) you will see lots of other first timers who have made amazing cakes…much better than mine! Please feel free to stop by and ask a question! And….please send me a pic to my Facebook page, I am building quite an album of gorgeous Peppa Pig Cakes! Anything else I can help you with? Good luck…I am sure you will nail it!

      1. Faz

        I’ll go and find your Facebook page now 🙂 no, your instructions are perfect! I’m just doubting myself lol. Thanks for having faith in me, I’ll be sure to upload a picture when I make it 🙂

    2. Nicola

      You won’t stuff this up honestly, I’d never made a cake before I made this and ours was fab. One tip I recommend tho is buy the already coloured icing, it saves time and mess 🙂

      1. Faz

        I couldn’t find them in Coles the other day…I just thought I’d check if they had them there :-/ where did you find it from? Thanks Nicola 🙂

      2. Faz

        I couldn’t find them in Coles the other day…I just thought I’d check if they had them there :-/ where did you find it from? Thanks Nicola 

  19. umakarry

    I am planning to make this for my sons third bday he is a big peppa and George fan. I have a 20 round tin can I make 2 and join ? Also did you use almond icing before putting the white it is suggested in orchard . And which cake mix is good . I am planning mud chocolate . Will it be ok ? I have just tried cupcake once this will be my first cake venture …. Thanks for your amazing lesson

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Hi there!
      1. A rectangular cake tin would be easier but if you only have a round tin, then that should be fine. Just make Peppa’s (or George’s) head with one cake and use the other for the body! Make sure you turn your cake upside down after baking so you get a smooth flat finish. You may need to level it, sometimes round cakes rise up in the middle!
      2. I didn’t use almond icing, I just put plain jam on the cake and put the fondant icing straight on top, much easier!
      3. If your mud cake recipe works for you..then use it! I just use any plain cake recipe, whatever is easy! Don’t be afraid to buy a packet mix cake..chocolate or buttercake will work well. Packet mixed always come out perfectly! Sponge cakes are much harder to cut though!
      Feel free to ask any more question..more than happy to help you! If you haven’t already, please like my Facebook page too: Yibba Yabba Mama. I would love you to send me a picture of your creation! I hope this has been helpful for you!

  20. umakarry

    thanks a ton … thats amazing fast reply . I will try with plain cake recipe then . I am yet to purchase anyways . This sounds exciting . Just one more , maybe this is a very basic question . the cake base with foil …how do i cover it ? I wanted to cover top with blue sky and bottom with grass green and in this peppa . i dont want the silver foil to be seen . Can I use the same orchad icing with colors for that ? What do you suggest… ?and I have liked your facebook page …its amazing to see so many peppa pig . Also I can just refrigerate the cakes in the normal refrigeration itself right ?not freeze it … I am planning to do the icing on the day of the party in the afternoon .

  21. yibbayabba Post author

    Hi again!
    1. If you want to make a green grass and blue background…then use the orchard icing for sure! You can place this directly onto your board, don’t even worry about the foil! You could use a chopping board covered with baking paper then put the background sky and grass on. That would look great! can’t wait to see it!
    2. I usually recommend freezing your cakes so that it is easy to cut, a fresh cake will crumble too much. You could put in the fridge, just make sure it has been in for a few hours. You can make your cakes a few days earlier and have them ready in the freezer. You can decorate your cake with the icing anytime, even the night before. Just keep in the fridge until the party! Hope this has helped you? Feel free to ask some more! Looking forward to seeing your creation!

    1. umakarry

      Just one more … I am just making the chocolate cake . When you say freezing cake should it be the free zee compartment where we keep ice or normal refrigeration … Sorry for this silly question am too confused with words freeze everywhere . I am planning the icing tomm . Will surely upload pic ! This is my first venture so wish me luck 🙂

      1. yibbayabba Post author

        Hi again!
        Yes, put the cake in the freezer where you put your ice!
        I am guessing you live in a colder part of the world?? If that is right, then you can leave your cake in the fridge…just as long as it is very cold so it will be easier for you to cut without too many cake crumbs! Bake your cake, then wait for it to cool down, then wrap it up with plastic wrap and put into the fridge or freezer. As long as your kitchen isn’t too hot, it won’t matter. Keep it in there for a few hours or over night. (Where I live it is summer…40 degrees today so I need to freeze my cakes!)
        Good luck…you will be fine! Give yourself plenty of time to do the icing. It will be lovely, can’t wait to see it! Hope this has been helpful!

  22. umakarry

    Thanks a ton yibba yibba it’s only because of your excellent step by step guide I was able to achieved the peppa and George cake ! My son was totally delighted and everyone loved it too ! I made a chocolate mod cake mix and all others as mentioned by you ! Have sent photos to your Facebook as private message ! Hope you enjoy them thanks for the amazing simple steps and amazing immediate feedback . This wouldn’t have been possible without you!

  23. yibbayabba Post author

    Thank you so much for your lovely feedback! Your cake looks great! I will upload to my album of Peppa Pig Cakes for everyone to see. So glad the birthday child was happy and all the guests too! Well done! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your picture!

  24. Faz

    I’m about to make this for my daughter’s birthday party on Sunday and im soooooo nervous! I really hope i can pull this off! 🙂

  25. yibbayabba Post author

    Of course you can do it! Allow yourself plenty of time and it will be fabulous, feel free to ask any questions…I am here to help! Please take a picture for me and send it to me via my Facebook page! You will see lots of other mums who have made fabulous cakes there too! Good luck!

  26. kiwigreen

    Hi there – thanks for this post which randomly came up second on my google search for a peppa pig cake recipe! – my daughter loves “pehhhhh pig” as she calls her, and she is going to go mental tomorrow when she sees it on her 2nd birthday!!! Your post saved the day, as at 3pm this afternoon I was still sitting at work wondering what on earth I’d do for her cake tonight. Your instructions and pics made it (excuse the pun!)… a piece of cake! cheers 🙂

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Hi there! Thank you…I am so glad this cake recipe randomly popped up to save the day! Thank goodness for Peppa Pig…even my older kids love her! If you get a chance, please take a picture of your masterpiece, I would love to see it! You can send it to me via my Yibba Yabba Mama Facebook page, I have quite a collection of Peppa Pig Cakes made by amateurs just like me! Thank you for your lovely comments…you have made my day!

  27. Janelle

    Hi! Thank you so much for your detailed instructions, your cake is amazing! My husband and I made it last night for my daughter’s 1st Birthday Party (she is obsessed with Peppa Pig!) and we couldn’t believe how well it turned out. It took us awhile (probably because we are both perfectionists!) but we were so happy with the result. I’ve always loved baking but I had never attempted a character cake of any kind before. I agree that anybody can do it, you just need to be prepared beforehand and be patient! 🙂 I’ll send a photo to you on your Facebook page. Thanks again! 🙂

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Well done! Yes…Anyone can make this cake, yours is truly professional looking! Thank you very much for the kind comments and thanks for sending me a pic of your cake! I am so glad you gave it a go, the birthday child would have loved it!

  28. Tina Powsey

    THANK YOU for this!!! I have never done anything like it before and it turned out great! My 2-year-old couldn’t stop asking me to show her the Peppa Pig cake and then kept showing it off! She was so excited to tell everyone, “my mummy made my Peppa Pig cake!” For the cake, I used a recipe called fool-proof sponge cake and it was absolutely delicious, plus it carved easily after cooling on the counter, with no crumbling at all! Not to mention, it was a doddle to make! Here is the link for the cake recipe, if you’re interested:
    Thanks again. I wish I could post a photo of her cake, as it really was lovely!!!

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Fantastic! I am so pleased your cake worked out so wonderfully! I will have a look at that recipe you suggested…love a foolproof sponge! If you have a photo of your masterpiece, I would love to see it! You can send it to me via my Yibba Yabba Mama Facebook page! Thank you so much for letting me know of your success….this makes my day!

  29. Lisa

    Hi, I am thinking of baking this cake for my sisters first birthday. I am only used to baking sponge cake, and have read that you recommend freezing the cake before cutting into shapes. Will a sponge cake be okay to do this or do you recommend a different cake? Any help would be fantastic, i love baking however decorating isnt my place of expertise. Could you give me any tips? Thank you.

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Hi there!
      Yes I do recommend freezing the cake, I find it makes it easier to cut! Sponge cake may work for you, but I find sponge cakes harder to cut into shape since they are so light and fluffy. I think a firmer cake will be much easier. Personally I like to use a vanilla buttercake or even a chocolate cake. Make a double batch to fit your tin. Don’t be afraid to use a packet mix….they will always work perfectly and you can focus on making a perfect Peppa! Is this helpful? Please feel free to stop by and ask questions…I am happy to help you!
      PS you are an awesome sibling…..making such a great cake! It really will be easy to make, you will see here and on my Facebook page that so many everyday people have made amazing Peppa cakes! Please send me a photo!

  30. Lisa

    Thanks for the help and the very fast reply. I have never heard of vanilla butter cake so if i cant find the recipe I will do chocolate. Yes, I want to focus on the decorating more as it is a surprise for family guests so want it to be extra special. I will post a picture on the facebook page once it is done! Thanks once again.

  31. amy

    I made this for my daughter’s third birthday – this blog was so, so useful. I really wouldn’t have known where to start otherwise! It turned out great and said three-year-old was so happy with it. Thanks so much for posting 🙂

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      Fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing that with me, I am so pleased the instructions worked for you and your birthday girl was happy! Feel free to send me a picture to my Yibba Yabba Mama Facebook page! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  32. Pingback: Peppa Pig Baking Tin | Insurance

  33. Pingback: The Peppa Pig Cake! Easiest idea EVER! | Creative Design Collective

  34. kristin


    Great step by step guide. Going to give it a shot for my daughters birthday next week.
    Did you purchase the ‘Orchard’ white icing at your supermarket or a cake supply shop?

    1. yibbayabba Post author

      I purchased the icing at my local supermarket, you should be able to find it any supermarket near you too. Please let me me know how you go and feel free to pop back and ask any questions! I assure it will be easier than you think.

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